A corto plazo
Se trata de garantizar el confort diario y combatir los signos de actividad del lupus, preservando especialmente las funciones de los órganos vitales en los brotes graves. Esto se consigue combatiendo la inflamación (hidroxicloroquina, antiinflamatorios no esteroideos o corticoides), y disminuyendo la activación del sistema inmunitario (hidroxicloroquina, corticoides e inmunosupresores).
A medio plazo
It is to prevent flares (hydroxychloroquine, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants), to prevent the occurrence of new blood clots or thrombotic recurrences (aspirin, anticoagulant), and to fight the evolution of visceral damage.
The aim is to limit the negative effects of lupus and the late side effects of treatments by preventing infections, corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis and cardiovascular risks.
The objective of medications is to treat symptoms quickly, prevent relapses and limit the long-term negative effects of the disease.