Can a child have a normal education? Can an adult work?

What is occupational therapy?

Lupus is a chronic disease, which can be punctuated by flares, but whose main problem is fatigue.

For children with lupus, the school doctor and teachers should be informed.

The implementation of an individualised reception protocol can be useful.

For adults, work is possible and even preferable, when this fatigue is not permanent, in order to promote a better life balance and socio-professional integration. However, it is advisable to avoid very stressful professional activities and to provide rest periods.

Occupational therapy means "treatment through work" and therefore uses activity as therapeutic methods. We must learn the best way to perform daily life activities despite the impact of the disease. An occupational therapist can give you advice on how to set up your home, school or work place, by pointing out special utensils, called in medical language "technical help", that allow you to do things that have become difficult to perform. Rehabilitation in occupational therapy is also carried out through manual exercises, craft activities (weaving, knitting ...), the goal being to maintain the joints and musculature during a fun and painless activity. The occupational therapist observes the difficulties and then corrects postures and gestures. The repetition of these manual activities makes it possible to obtain "the right gestures", that is to say to acquire good habits. Occupational therapy is a profession taught in specialised schools. There are few occupational therapists outside of hospitals and rehabilitation centres.

However, you can get the advice of an occupational therapist by talking to your doctor, by contacting certain associative structures directly or by requesting the social services of your city. Occupational therapy care is usually prescribed by your doctor. If you are hospitalised, occupational therapy is often included as part of your hospitalisation.