The French “Filière des Maladies Auto-immunes et Auto-inflammatoires Rares” (FAI2R: is a health network dedicated for patients with rare autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. It brings together more than 8O adult and pediatric expert centres, numerous research units, diagnostic laboratories and 12 patient associations around “Alliance Maladies Rares” (Rare Diseases Alliance).
The objectives of FAI2R are
- to bring together all the centres for the diagnosis and management of rare autoimmune or inflammatory diseases within a single care network and reduce time to diagnosis;
- to define health actions in collaboration with patient associations;
- to promote therapeutic education for patients and the dissemination of knowledge;
- to harmonise diagnostic, therapeutic and medico-social management;
- to facilitate the transition from childhood to adulthood between pediatricians and adult physicians.
FAI2R contributed to the edition of the “Connective Tissue Diseases - 100 questions” collection, and as such, is the principal contributor of this Lupus in 100 questions materials